Date | Close | Phase | 50 DMA | 200 DMA |
1/2/2008 | 27560.51953 | -1 | 28496.13086 | 24070.37695 |
1/3/2008 | 26887.2793 | -1 | 28466.40234 | 24108.02734 |
1/4/2008 | 27519.68945 | -1 | 28429.25781 | 24148.04492 |
1/7/2008 | 27179.49023 | -1 | 28386.17773 | 24185.49219 |
1/8/2008 | 27112.90039 | -1 | 28331.34766 | 24222.5957 |
1/9/2008 | 27615.84961 | -1 | 28275.56055 | 24261.83984 |
1/10/2008 | 27230.85938 | -1 | 28188.43945 | 24299.46094 |
1/11/2008 | 26867.00977 | -1 | 28093.01563 | 24336.02734 |
1/14/2008 | 26468.13086 | -1 | 27995.32227 | 24369.25781 |
1/15/2008 | 25837.7793 | -1 | 27882.22266 | 24399.43945 |
1/16/2008 | 24450.84961 | -1 | 27761.86914 | 24422.64844 |
1/17/2008 | 25114.98047 | -1 | 27685.32227 | 24448.21094 |
1/18/2008 | 25201.86914 | -1 | 27600.59961 | 24473.17188 |
1/21/2008 | 23818.85938 | -2 | 27482.79688 | 24490.52734 |
1/22/2008 | 21757.63086 | -2 | 27342.74414 | 24497.07031 |
1/23/2008 | 24090.16992 | -2 | 27248.88281 | 24515.61914 |
1/24/2008 | 23539.26953 | -2 | 27166.35156 | 24531.61523 |
1/25/2008 | 25122.36914 | -1 | 27112.73242 | 24553.4375 |
1/28/2008 | 24053.60938 | -2 | 27010.48438 | 24569.75977 |
1/29/2008 | 24291.80078 | -2 | 26921.29492 | 24587.33594 |
1/30/2008 | 23653.68945 | -2 | 26842.08203 | 24604.10156 |
1/31/2008 | 23455.74023 | -2 | 26761.99219 | 24618.55078 |
2/1/2008 | 24123.58008 | -2 | 26689.03906 | 24636.38281 |
2/4/2008 | 25032.08008 | -1 | 26657.31836 | 24658.67773 |
2/5/2008 | 24808.69922 | -1 | 26633.39258 | 24680.03711 |
2/6/2008 | 23469.46094 | -2 | 26571.95703 | 24694.05078 |
2/11/2008 | 22616.10938 | -2 | 26471.74805 | 24704.49805 |
2/12/2008 | 22921.66992 | -2 | 26385.97656 | 24717.50781 |
2/13/2008 | 23169.55078 | -2 | 26301.94531 | 24731.76172 |
2/14/2008 | 24021.67969 | -2 | 26212.72656 | 24749.92578 |
2/15/2008 | 24148.42969 | -2 | 26122.82422 | 24767.26172 |
2/19/2008 | 24123.16992 | -2 | 26032.11914 | 24783.67188 |
2/20/2008 | 23590.58008 | -2 | 25926.3418 | 24797.14453 |
2/21/2008 | 23623 | -2 | 25811.89258 | 24811.72656 |
2/22/2008 | 23305.03906 | -2 | 25686.81836 | 24824.02734 |
2/25/2008 | 23269.14063 | -2 | 25575.34961 | 24836.63477 |
2/26/2008 | 23714.75 | -2 | 25479.62305 | 24852.86914 |
2/27/2008 | 24483.83984 | -2 | 25384.75977 | 24870.39453 |
2/28/2008 | 24591.68945 | -2 | 25306.17578 | 24889.00977 |
2/29/2008 | 24331.66992 | -2 | 25237.91406 | 24905.98242 |
3/3/2008 | 23584.9707 | -2 | 25158.3418 | 24918.93555 |
3/4/2008 | 23119.86914 | -2 | 25088.80664 | 24930.00977 |
3/5/2008 | 23114.33984 | -2 | 25016.4375 | 24940.94336 |
3/6/2008 | 23342.73047 | -3 | 24942.70703 | 24953.4375 |
3/7/2008 | 22501.33008 | -3 | 24852.39063 | 24961.95313 |
After struggling since Dec 2007, the Hang Seng Index finally broke into "Bear" phase on Thurs. The last time the index hit the "Bear" phase was in May 2004. That phase lasted for approximately 3 months with the index moving into "Accumulation" phase in Aug 2004.
Most investors doesn't like the "Bear" word but charts never lie. The market is telling us that the "Bear" is here to stay. If you think history will repeat itself, then you are looking at Jun 2008 for a recovery.
Trade with care.
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